Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Summer Plans

Today is July 1st and I have been busy putting plans together for the start of this month.

...And here we are.
I don't feel ready, or completely settled, but I don't think that matters. These are steps I'm planning to take to help me get to a New Place. A year from now I want to look back and see such a shift in how I live my life, that I find it hard to judge my abilities in the future. I want to say,  "Wow, look at that! You really CAN do something if you put your mind to it! Awesome job!"

So... what's the plan?
Well, as is my style, I have looked over several approaches to decluttering, pairing down clothing, getting out of debt, and I plan to incorporate a bit of each. Here's the the overall picture:

No.1 - Spending Ban
About a year ago I tried to do a spending ban. I had just read The Year of Less (Cait Flanders), and was excited to try my hand at becoming a more mindful consumer - owning less and saving more. This year, in the midst of everything 2020, my husband and I are both on board to see this thru.

From July 2020 thru July 2021, we will be going on a Spending Ban from extras that suck down our money (like fastfood) and from buying anything that we absolutely DON'T need (hello mindless shopping because there's a sale). I am both excited and quite nervous for this challenge. I really think that I could learn a lot by not spending as much time, evergy and money on purchasing more when I have so much to sort thru at my own home. Here's to a more organized house!

No.2 - Cleaning & Decluttering
Which leads to my next focus... I have written so many blog posts in the last 6 months, that I haven't published, because I keep working on the SAME project. I can't tell you how many times I have cleaned up, messed up, and reorganized my kitchen in the last year. Really, it's a bit ridiculous how many photos I have of before and after clean ups in the same space.

Recently I started reviewing material from A Slob Comes Clean, specifically from blog author's book How to Manage your Home without Losing your Mind (Dana White). And I think I finally found something that will work for me! Like the author, I'm a creative type. I am the kind of person who looks at things a little differently. And I am also the person who screams "why can't I just Do 'the thing' like everybody else?!" When trying to find the secret to a clean house, a debt-free life, or anything lifestyle based (that everyone around me seems to be accomplishing with no problem) i just can't connect the dots... until now.

I'll be starting with: 28 Days to Hope for your Home. (Included in the back of the book I mentioned above, in both the physical version and audio recording) This guide encompasses how to buid the daily habit of maintaining the "little things" as you go; pick up the mess that you make before it turns into something that's huge and overwhelming.

The book also dives into specific areas of cleaning as well; tackling laundry, meal planning, decluttering your home. But I'm starting from the top! And as I'm working through the first 28 days, my extra time will be allotted toward projects that I find to be important. This process and progress will be posted in a weekly update.

No. 3 - Project 333
If you have heard of this at all, you know that this is a challenge created by Courtney Carver, to pair down your closet and function from a capsule wardrobe. While I'm not planning to incorporate all of the rules, as I have my own version in mind, my clothing declutter plan will be based from this wardrobe challenge.

If you are not familiar with whole Project 333/Capsule Wardrobe phenomenon, you can check out the details here: Project 333 There's even a Book!

No. 4 - Savings & Debt
Partly influenced by Cait Flanders (The Year of Less), part taken from my own experiences, and part Dave Ramsey. 💵⚖💰Over the next year we are planning to set aside a minimum of $200 a month for savings, with an overall goal to save up 6 months of income replacement. Plus we are hoping to tackle a good portion of our debt through debt consolidation and payment strategy.

I'll go into this in more detail in another post, but suffice it to say we are ready to stand on her own as a married couple. Mentally we've been ready for a while, but it feels like NOW we are Actually ready for the practical steps involved.

No.5 - Personal Projects
For the last 3 (nearly 4) years, we have been living in a 2-bedroom apartment and working to establish our foundation as a newly married couple. I had hoped to launch an Etsy business in the Fall Season of 2018, I have been trying to ease into music performance since my sabbatical started mid-2015, and I'd like to give my time and attention to other hobbies that I have - like photography, foreign language and handcrafting skills like welding or woodworking. I have been stuck in a Holding Pattern for years - always pushing things off because we never had the time and space for me to pursue anything other than cleaning up our house.

For the first 6 months of this new approach (that's now thru the end of the year), I am going to put my sole focus into these first four goals. After six months has passed, I am going to start working on growing my personal business and brand. Whatever that looks like by January.

While I would love to throw everything in a big garbage can and just start studying French, I know that this journey needs to happen with mindful intention. The steps that I take will build habits, and that's what's going to keep me from backsliding. Once my house is in order, or well on its way, and we're in a good place financially - once debt is being addressed head-on and savings is stacking up - then I will begin to pursue my passions again, without feeling guilty or worried about these other areas falling apart.

Posts and Updates:
I'm planning to put together some more detailed posts this week: outlining each of our specific challenges. I will be updating the progress of our declutter (and my wardrobe capsule) once a week. This blog is going to be my accountability partner, this will be my journal, and I am going to use it to track all my progress as well as any set backs.

Financial updates of Debt Repayment, Savings growth, our Spending Ban - will be updated monthly. I might have a post here and there outside of that schedule, but I will post update at least every month.

No big, right?? I'm just going to tackle all the things. (Insert laughter here) But seriously, I think this is doable. There's a lot here, but I'm planning to pace myself. And ultimately, we've gotten to the point where we are starting to fight about how much we are those fed up with how things are... so it's time for change. It's time and we're ready.

Wish us luck, share YOUR journey, or just comment your thoughts below:
{I would love to hear from you!}

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